Hungry for apples?
Wrestling Isn't Wrestling
Wrestling isn't wrestling, but this short is definitely a short.
Shout-out to Taylor R. for showing me this.
The Rat
When you got Netflix $$$, you can afford to make choose your own adventure ads with insane production value.
The Gunfighter
Far from the best short ever, but still really good.
The Confession of Fred Krueger
Just in time for Halloween, Freddy comes clean.
Amy's Audition
Her wooden chair was a little off.
Meet the Villain
Seems friendly enough.
Submarine Sandwich
Looks delicious.
The Horribly Slow Murderer With The Extremely Inefficient Weapon
Probably the worst possible way to die.
Broken Wing
Touching little short about a boy and his Rubik's cube.
Wire Cutters
Capitalism in action.
Rock and Roll by day, Slayer by night.
This week's short is about a guy who can't appreciate anything he has.
A Day at the office in a Zombie Apocalypse
This is actually a social satire about how office work saps the life from the worker.
The gratuitous ass shots represent...uh...freedom?
I'm You, Dickhead
More time travel run amok.
One Minute Time Machine
Time travel and dating don't mix.
Brought to you by Roommate Dan
My Daughter's Boyfriend
No daughter of mine will date a guy who makes noise rock.
Broken People: Smoking
An ep. from a neat lil web series called Broken People.
Unedited Footage of a Bear
Bears are so majestic.
Girls Who Read
Bonus points if she reads this site.