Breakfast at Tiffany's is no doubt an iconic piece of fiction. It catapulted Audrey Hepburn into the limelight and made her the subject of posters plastered on the dorm walls of basic bitches everywhere.
Holly Golightly: the patron saint of basic bitches.
However, the 1961 film is apparently pretty different from the Truman Capote novella that I just finished reading. This is of course based on what I read from Wikipedia, as I've never actually seen the movie.
The first thing I realized was that there actually wasn't anybody named Tiffany in the story. Rather, Hepburn plays a wild young socialite named Holly Golightly. The title instead refers to Holly's habit of going to Tiffany's whenever she's feeling down.
Breakfast at Tiffany's is beautifully written. Capote has a way with dialogue, in spite of the fact he doesn't use quotation marks. Holly's manner of speaking is a distinct kind of booshie accent, peppered with strange emphasis and random French. (Apparently, Capote and his circle of friends spoke in a similar way.) It's written in such a way where you can hear exactly how Holly sounds.
The plot, told from the prospective of Holly's neighbor (a writer and an arguable author-avatar), isn't that exciting. That is, nothing particularly happens. Things are completely driven by the characters (specifically Holly).
Don't think I didn't like this story just because the plot is loose. The core of the story is about identity and finding a home. The narrator's journey to establish himself as a writer is at the peripheral of the novel while Holly's search for a home of her own is front and center.
I found Holly's journey especially relate-able because I am at a similar point in my life. That is, I'm trying to make a home for myself and carve out my place in this world. I think anybody in my age bracket (18-29) can identify with this story and will take something away from it.
Just to note: Breakfast at Tiffany's is really short. Like, 100 pages maybe. The version of the book that I own includes three other short stories by Capote, and I have to say that they're remarkable. They're written in a similar way, in that, the narrator isn't the main focus of the story. Rather, the story is always about someone else seen through their eyes. He does such a good job of making you care about this other person while also illustrating some (usually sad) facet of our own lives.
Great writer.
Definitely check this book out.