Mick, Jesse, and sweet baby brother Taylor got together for another episode of Don't Watch This Shit. We watched Steven Segal's Sniper Special Ops. It was not good.
Tits: 0
Explosions: 4
One Liners: 1
- Gratuitous Patriotism
- Racist soldier on squad
- Seagal goes back to save someone
- One of the team members is a traitor
- Nobody has done any research on guns/combat
- Seagal gets the girl
- Gratuitous puns
- Someone is going to do that terrorist scream
- Wilhelm Scream
- Latent homoeroticism
Final Thoughts: Giant waste of time
- Steven Seagal is effectively immortal
- Only one American is hurt
- Girl is won by Steven Seagal in the end
- Steven Seagal never removes sunglasses
- Steven Seagal martial arts someone to death
- Horrible gunplay
- Steven Seagal speaks Arabic
- Towelhead & Other Offensive slurs
- At least one America! or USA!
- Vic and Jake bromance. One of them brings up bet in the end.
Final Thoughts: I feel guilty for giving Steven Seagal Money for this
- There is no spotter at any point
- Seagal is loose cannon cop, served for multiple tours
- Little brother death scene
- Flashback to little blonde girl running in yard
- Reloading only twice
- Seagal powers through leg wound at the end
- Black hawks save the day like in LOTR.
- RPG used on humans
- Wilhelm scream from grenade throw
- Comes from army family, his father, his father before him