Mick tasked Keith with getting weird with his photography in Photoshop. This little series is what he came back with.
Hustle and Bustle- Keith Roland
Super excited to announce a partnership with writer and photographer Keith Roland. His work will be featured on ALSO THAT on a semi-regular basis. This first series is from his visit to New York City.
Guest Post: Breathe New Life by Keith Roland
My main man Keith (who you may remember from his 2014 guest post Technicolor Wonder) makes his return to ALSO THAT with his new series of multimedia art.
Check out his blog Skeleton Assembly, LIKE his brand-new Facebook page, and pick up a print from his Society 6 page.
Mr. J
My awesome friend, Keith Roland (who has a guest post on this very website) has a photo blog of his own called Skeleton Assembly.
I made a guest post today featuring a painting of mine called Mr. J.
Head over to his site to see some sketches and a write up explaining the painting.