A chance encounter proves fateful for 2 robots mining on a desolate planet. Directed by Jack Anderson. Selected for the Sploid Short Film Festival, a celebration of the coolest short films and the filmmakers that make them. Learn more details and submit your short here: http://sploid.gizmodo.com/submit-your-short-film-to-the-sploid-short-film-festiva-1723314068
Oni Go was a rock band active between 1989 and 1991. They only released two albums. It is said that the members were professional killers hired by the mysterious criminal organization called "Ice Cream Killers". The band split in 1992 when the singer suddenly lost his mind.
Every time the beautiful Regina rejects his advances, James pushes a red button and tries again, all the while unaware of the reality and consequences of his actions. Directed by Devon Avery. Selected for the Sploid Short Film Festival, a celebration of the coolest short films and the filmmakers that make them.