This summer vehicles. Will. Be. Punched.
SOTW: Gym Wildlife
Where's David Attenborough when you need him?
SOTW: Sweet Cocoon
This animation is a perfect metaphor for life.
SOTW: Everyone is an Asshole
Everyone is an asshole, especially Craig.
SOTW: Avatar School Time Shipping
Katara's a man-eater.
SOTW: Amy's Audition
Her wooden chair was a little off.
SOTW: Meet the Villain
Seems friendly enough.
SOTW: Submarine Sandwich
Looks delicious.
SOTW: Broken Wings
Touching little short about a boy and his Rubik's cube.
SOTW: One Minute Time Machine
Time travel and dating don't mix.
Brought to you by Roommate Dan
SOTW: Grays
They seem friendly enough.
SOTW: The Smiling Man
Since when is it weird to approach people like this?
SotW: One Man and His Dog
I wonder what breed it is.
SotW: Caterwaul
This week's short of the week is a love story between a man and his lobster.
Brought to you by my roommate Dan.
SotW: Heart Strings
This week's short is a send up to the silent film era.
Submitted this week by the one and only Kat C.
SOTW: When Gordon Met Chell
What happens when two characters who never speak meet? Definitely not dialogue!
SOTW: Time Trap
Sometimes you gotta scrounge up some spare parts.
Short of the Week: This Is It
This is exactly what has happened with every roommate I've ever had in my entire life.
Short of the Week: Christmas Party
Worst. Christmas. Ever.
Short of the Week: AMOCK
This weeks short could be expanded into some kind of French survival horror video game.